by Alex Morales

alex morales Feb 02, 2024


There are so many talented and anointed trainers with the Prophetic Company that I would love for you to meet. One of those master trainers is Alex Morales, who is certified in three-levels of prophetic training and often serves as our online host and facilitator for the School of Prophetic Trainers. Alex also leads the prophetic community at the church where my family and I attend regularly. Recently, I asked Alex if he would share some keys he has learned on why teamwork is important. Enjoy these 3 powerful keys.--Dano 


3 Simple Keys That Unlock the Power of Synergy 

 Alex Morales

One of the Values of Prophetic Company is the value of accessibility. We value the ability of everyone to prophecy. But just because everyone can prophecy, that doesn’t mean God meant for us to do it alone. The Scriptures calls us to be a part of a greater vision. It calls us to be a body of believers with different gifts and viewpoints who together release the love of God in its various forms.   

1. Commit to working in pairs or teams.  

The Old Testament prophets were most effective when they gathered in prophetic companies or communities. Also, in the New Testament, we see Jesus sending His disciples out in teams, a practice that the early church continued to model. By working in teams or with someone else, you can begin to use the power of spiritual synergy.  

Synergy as defined by the Oxford dictionary is: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. 

Based on this definition, we understand that true synergy is more than the sum of combined parts, but is meant to bring an exponential increase. When we work in teams or with a partner, we can see an exponential increase in our effectiveness, depth of words, clarity, and anointing. Perhaps that is why Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 14:29: “Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.” The Apostle Paul understood the power that comes when the body is working together. We are stronger when we work together.  

2. Value the contribution of each individual member.  

This brings us to another value of Prophetic Company---the value of Diversity. We believe that everyone receives and gives uniquely. 1 Peter 4:10 says : Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. In synergy, we value each individual contribution, knowing that God has given each of us unique gifts designed to serve others. Synergy multiplies the strength of individuals. True synergy is built by the contribution and recognition of each unique part toward the greater picture.  

3. Work towards a common goal.  

As you grow and build prophetic communities and teams, I want to encourage you to utilize the power of synergy in working with others. Learn to value your unique gifting and the unique gifting of others. The Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 that we are a body, each designed with a purpose and function. As each part of the body acts as one to achieve a single purpose, so we, when we work in synergy with one another, will see the purposes of God released and the Kingdom advanced.  

 In Him,

Alex Morales


You can invite Alex or one of our certified trainers near you to lead a prophetic activation event for your church, organization, or business by connecting with them on the certified trainers page of our website (click here to go there.) Connect in person or online with Alex and many of our amazing certified trainers by registering for the upcoming Prophetic Summit on building prophetic communities. (Register here for the Summit.) For more on building prophetic communities check out my book The Prophetic Company: The joyful journey towards building prophetic communities available here on Amazon.